JNTUH PG Project Viva-Voce Examinations 2020 Through Online Mode


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad

JNTUH Conduct of PG Project Viva-Voce Examinations 2020 Through Online Mode

The Principals of the Engineering and Pharmacy colleges offering M.Tech., M.Pharm., MBA, MCA and Pharm.D courses are informed to note that, due to continuation of lockdown(due to Covid-19 pandemic), the PG project-viva exams are to be conducted in online/Video Conferencing mode only.

The rules and procedures for conducting the online viva exams are identical to that of B.Tech. & B.Pharm. project viva examinations (ref. 1 cited above). Further the following additional points may be noted:

1. The external examiners need to download the project report softcopy from the url communicated by the Examination branch and thoroughly go through the project report and asses its quality.

2. The quality of the project report should be one of the evaluation parameters while awarding the marks in the external project viva-voce examination.

3. The internal examiner has to verify the hard-copy submitted by the students with the softcopy uploaded to the University portal. The internal examiner should certify that the contents presented in both the softcopy version and hard-copy version are identical.

4. The Principal / OIE should appraise the points 1 & 2 above to the external examiners, while speaking to fix the schedule (date and time) of the project viva exam.

5. The student video mode must be set-on and all members of the committee must present during the project viva exam. Entire video during the project-viva exams must be recorded.

6. The internal examiner and other committee members, after discussion with the external examiner, shall finalize the project viva-voce examination marks of each candidate and upload to the University portal. The external examiner shall freeze the marks after thorough verification.

7. After freezing the marks, the printout of the award list need to be taken and filed at the examination section of the College.

8. There is no need to send the signed award list to the University Examination Branch.



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