JNTUA Covid-19 Precautions for Students


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur

JNTUA Covid-19 Precautions for Students

Students who are writing external examinations during September 2O2O are instructed to follow.

Covid-19 Precautions for wellbeing of yours and other associates.

Students must wear masks while they are in the campus.
Students who are wearing masks will only be allowed into the campus.

1. Carry hand sanitizers.

2. Sanitize your hands at the entrance of buildings compulsorily.

3. Co-operate with security staff at building entrance for thermal scanning and sanitizing your hands.

4. Maintain social distance from one person to another as long as your stay in the campus.

5. Do not form groups/gatherings in the college.

6. If you are sick due to covid-19 symptoms, inform to college authorities immediately. We will arrange separate isolation examination hall for writing examination.

7. Bring your Aadhar Card, college identity card and hall ticket compulsorily.

8. Show identity card and hall ticket to teaching staff or security staff whenever they ask for checking your identity.

9. Bring your personal Examination material like Pens / Pencils / erasers / sharpeners / scientific calculators etc. Exchange of this material in the examination hall is strictly prohibited, sanitize your hands before and after signing the attendance sheet.

10. Cell Phones are strictly prohibited into examination hall.

Click to Download JNTUA Covid-19 Precautions for Students

JNTUA B.Tech/B.Pharm 4-2 semester (R15) Regular & Supplementary Examinations Timetable – September 2020

JNTU Anantapur released the timetable for JNTUA B.Tech/B.Pharm 4-2 semester (R15) Regular & Supplementary Examinations Timetable – September 2020


Commencement of Examinations From 3-09-2020 for
EEE, ECE (03-09-2020)
CSE, IT (07-09-2020)
CE, ME, EIE (10-09-2020)


  • Any omissions or clashes in this Time Table may please be informed to the undersigned immediately.
  • Time : 2 pm to 5 pm

Click to Download B.Tech R15 Timetable


Commencement of Examinations From 07-09-2020


  • Any omissions or clashes in this Time Table may please be informed to the undersigned immediately.
  • Time : 2 pm to 5 pm

Click to Download B.Pharmacy R15 Timetable


  1. JNTUA Guidelines for Examinations
  2. JNTUA Examination Branch Circular to colleges



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