JNTU Final Year Examinations 2020 Info


JNTU Final Year Examinations 2020 Info

UGC said the end-term examination for all final year students would have to be mandatorily held by the end of September 2020 in offline (pen & paper), online or blended mode.

With this, all the universities across the country have made arrangements to conduct the examinations.

It was in this context that JNTU took a key decision. With students already moving home due to the corona effect it has decided to allocate exam centers near their homes.


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur is preparing to conduct the exams from September 3.


  1. JNTUA Guidelines for Examinations
  2. JNTUA Examination Branch Circular to colleges


JNTU Kakinada issued a notification by mentioning B.Tech and B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester Regular/Supplementary Examination are likely to be conduct as usual process (offline) during 2nd or 3rd week of September 2020.

CHECK: JNTUK B.Tech / B.Pharm 4-2 Sem Regular / Supple Examinations 2020 Info


The authorities have already prepared a schedule to conduct the final year final semester examinations of B.Tech, B.Pharmacy and other courses under JNTUH for a week from September 16.Students are given the facility to write the exam at the exam centers nearest to them.

CHECK: JNTUH Exam Branch- info regarding conduct of examinations (2020)

Also Read: JNTUA Online Classes for B.Tech 2-1 Semester is Postponed 
Andhra Pradesh Revised Schedule for CET’s 2020


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