UGC Press Release regarding: Terminal Semester(s)/Final Year Examinations for the Universities
The Universities were required to chart out a plan for completion of terminal semester/ final year examinations by the end of September, 2020 in offline (pen & paper)/ online/ blended (online + offline) mode following the prescribed protocols / guidelines related to COVID-19 pandemic.
The guidelines also mentioned that in case a student of terminal semester/ final year is unable to appear in the examination conducted by the University for whatsoever the reason(s) may be, he/she may be given opportunity to appear in special examinations for such course(s)/ paper(s), which may be conducted by the university as and when feasible, so that the student is not put to any inconvenience/ disadvantage.
The guidelines also mentioned that in case a student of terminal semester/ final year is unable to appear in the examination conducted by the University for whatsoever the reason(s) may be, he/she may be given opportunity to appear in special examinations for such course(s)/ paper(s), which may be conducted by the university as and when feasible, so that the student is not put to any inconvenience/ disadvantage.
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Date of Issue: 18-07-2020
Also Read: UGC released Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for conduct of examination.
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