JNTUA Examination Branch Circular to colleges

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,Anantapur

Sub: JNTUA Examination Branch Circular to colleges regarding final year examinations.

This is to inform that due to COVID-19, University has taken a decision not to implement jumbling for the final year examinations and students have to write the examinations at their parent institutions only.

The university is giving an option to the students to choose the nearest place from their Residential address to write the examinations with the content of the principal concerned.
Principals are therefore requested to verify the addresses of the students with their address proof like Aadhar card etc.,
If any student of their college gives an option of any place other than the parent institution to write the examination.
Has to submit a mail to JNTUA CE(UG) if the students belong to B.Tech / B.Pharmacy and CE(PG) if the students belong to MBA 
With all the details like the Name, Roll No, Place opted for writing the exams, course of study and Branch.
Principals are further requested to check / verify the details carefully before sending the data the students to the examination department.

Mail to:

CE (UG) ce@jntua.ac.in
CE (PG) ce.pg@jntua.ac.in
-Director Of Evaluation


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