UGC Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar

UGC Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar for the Universities in View of COVID-19 Pandemicand Subsequent Lockdown

UGC Academic Calendar on Examinations & Class Work
Note :
  • Terminal semester meaning : The last/final semester of a course. Exams will be held in the month of July.
  • Intermediate semester meaning : The semester other than last/final semester or first semester. Will be graded based on internal assessment of the present and previous semester. In states where the COVID-19 situation has normalized, there will be exams in the month of July.

 1. The following calendar is suggested for the academic session 2019-2020:
 The Academic Calendar is suggestive in nature. The universities may adopt / adapt it after making a comprehensive assessment of their level of preparedness, residential status of the students, status of COVID-19 pandemic spread in their city / region / state and other factors.

# - If situation so demands, the universities can have Summer Vacations for 30 days from 01-06-2020 to 30-06-2020. In that case the teaching-learning through various modes can be held up to 15-05-2020 and subsequently Finalization of Dissertation etc. may be completed from 16-05-2020 to 31-05-2020.
  2. The universities should develop a fool-proof plan before the resumption of session, strictly following the norms of “social distancing” and other required precautions, to avoid any eventuality arising due to COVID-19.

 3. Admissions to the UG and PG programmes for the session 2020-21 may be completed by 31.08.2020. If necessity arises, provisional admissions may also be made and relevant documents of qualifying examination may be accepted up to 30.09.2020.
4. TheAcademicSession2020-21maycommencefrom01.8.2020foroldstudents and from 01.09.2020 for fresh students.

 The following calendar is suggested for the academic session 2020-2021:

Some General Guidelines

               1. Alltheuniversitiesmayfollowa6-dayweekpatterntocompensatethelossforthe remaining session of 2019-20 and the next session 2020-21.

2. In view of the importance of “social distancing”, universities may take necessary steps to ensure that the students are given exposure to laboratory assignments/ practical experiments through virtual laboratories, sharing of the recorded visuals of laboratory work and digital resources available for the purpose. The link provided by Ministry of Human Resource Development for virtual laboratories to facilitate the students of science/ engineering/ technology streams may be suitable for such purposes.

3. Every institute should develop virtual classroom and video conferencing facility and all teaching staff should be trained with the use of the technology.

 4. Theuniversitiesshouldpreparee-content/e-labexperimentsanduploadthesame on their websites.

 5. Theuniversitiesshouldstrengthenthemechanismofmentor-menteecounselling through a dedicated portal on university website to impart timely guidance and counselling to the students. Besides, the faculty advisor and supervisor assigned to each student should maintain regular communication with the students.

6. The universities may devise a proforma to record the Travel/ Stay history of the staff and students for the period when they were away from the university due to lockdown, so that necessary precautions may be taken in specific cases, if required. In addition, the universities will strictly comply with all precautions and preventive measures to curb the spread of COVID -19.

7. In order to overcome such challenges in future, the faculty should be adequately trained for the use of ICT and online teaching tools, so that they complete about 25% of the syllabus through online teaching and 75% syllabus through face to face teaching.
  8. In view of the present scenario and future uncertainties:
  i. the universities may adopt and implement these Guidelines in a transparent manner by making alterations/ additions/ modifications/ amendments to deal with particular situation(s) in the best interest of students, educational institution and the entire education system,
ii. if the university faces difficulty in making admissions as per the existing policy, it may adopt alternative modes of admission process, if otherwise legally tenable, and
iii. In case of educational institutions located at places where the Government (Centre/ State) have imposed restrictions on gathering of public, the institutions may plan accordingly. In any case, the above recommendations shall not cause any restrictions on the guidelines/directions issued by the appropriate Government/competent authority.
 Notwithstanding the above Guidelines regarding the resumption of session, conduct of examinations and commencement of next academic session, every university/ college has to ensure that it is prepared in all respects to carry out the academic activities following necessary advisories/guidelines/directions issued by the Central/State Government, MHRD or UGC from time to time to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


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