JNTUH Circular of Examination Branch - April 2020

JNTUH (JNTU Hyderabad) : The Principals, students and parents of the students are informed to note that only circulars or letters which are made available in JNTUH official website ( www.jntuh.ac.in ) and Principal/Student service portals of JNTUH are authentic.

Further the students and parents of constituent and affiliated colleges of the University are cautioned not to trust the fake news which are available in private portals & social media and informed to verify the authenticity of any such news either by visiting the official website / portals of the University or by contacting the Principals of the respective colleges.

The revised dates of semester examinations, the revised deadlines for making the semester exam fees etc. shall be intimated after 14-04-2020 ( ie. after the lockdown period is over).


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