JNTUH M.Tech / M.Pharmacy / MBA / MCA Supply Project Panels Notification - Sept 2019

In connection with the conduct of Project Viva-Voce Examinations in the academic year– 2019-20 for R13 regulations M. Tech/M. Pharm/MBA/MCA R13 and MCA R09 regulations Supply students, the Principals of all affiliated colleges offering these courses are informed that the payment of Project viva-voce exam fee is to be done. The project viva-voce exams should be conducted as per instructions mentioned below:

1. The student is permitted to submit Project, only after successful completion of all Theory and Practical courses.

2. The students can submit their Project to the college after completion of the duration of the project work. The last date for submission of projects in their respective colleges is on or before 16-10-2019, for this phase.

3. The project panels uploading service will be available from 27-09-2019.

4. The Fee for Project Viva-Voce Exam to be collected for M.Tech/M.Pharm/MBA/MCA courses is Rs. 3000/- per student. If the student has not paid the fee for the provisional certificate, a fee of Rs.210/- should also be collected and paid to university along with the University component of Viva-Voce examination.

5. No penalty may be levied to the student if a student submits project within one calendar year after completion of penultimate semester (6 months from the last semester). If the student is unable to submit the project within one calendar year, a penalty of Rs.5000/- will be levied for the first year of late submission,Rs.12000/- will be levied during second year of submission and Rs.18000/- will be levied during third year of submission, to the University.


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