
Showing posts from May, 2020

Last date for applying the JNTUH Original Degree(OD) in IX Convocation is extended upto 07-06-2020.

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD (JNTUH) The  IX Convocation of the JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD (JNTUH)  is likely to be held in the month of  May 2020  (Actual date will be notified later). The candidates who are qualified for the award of Degree/Diploma during the academic years 2018-19 & PG Degree completed or going to be completed on or before  24-02-2020  are eligible to apply. The eligible candidates are hereby informed to visit the Convocation Registration Portal  and submit the application online from  11-03-2020  to  30-05-2020 . Those who have applied for the degree in the Pre-convocation mode need not apply again for this Notification. The application fee of Rs.600/- will be accepted through online mode only. The students who have already paid need not pay the fee, however, they have to register compulsorily. For more details re...

JNTUK New procedure for obtaining Tatkal PC, CMM, OD, Migration and other certificates, etc.

JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada)  In view of COVID-19 pandemic and as per the directions of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, JNTUK, the following new procedure is adopted for the issue of Tatkal PC, CMM, OD, Migration and other certificate by the University Examination Center with effect from  01/06/2020 . The students can apply for Original Degree, PC/CMM, Migration Certificates, Genuinity Certificates, etc at  and certificates will be  posted to the address specified by the candidates . For obtaining Provisional Certificate under  TATKAL scheme , the student need to pay the fee online at  and submit the required document viz.applications, SSC, marks memos, etc to the concerned colleges. After verification of applications, the colleges will submit the applications before 12 Noon every day to the University Examination Branch through examination portal. The TATKAL PC applications will be proceeded immediately and a s...

JNTUA B.Tech 2-1 & 2-2 Semester (R19) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur Ananthapuramu–515 002 (A.P) India 2nd Year B.Tech (R19) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus  (Effective from 2019-20 Admitted Batches) ​ JNTUA-B.Tech (R19) Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) II Year Course Structure & Syllabi JNTUA-B.Tech (R19) Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) II Year Course Structure & Syllabi JNTUA-B.Tech (R19) Information Technology (IT) II Year Course Structure & Syllabi JNTUA-B.Tech (R19) Mechanical Engineering II Year Course Structure & Syllabi JNTUA-B.Tech (R19) Civi...

OU Circular to all the principles of PG Colleges regarding Backlog Syllabus for the Acdemic Year 2014-2015 & 2015-2016.

Osmania University (OU)  It is to inform all the Affiliated college Principals that as per the University Rules and Regulations the candidates admitted during the Academic year 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 (i.e. 14th & 15th batch with college code) who are appearing for their backlog papers of I, II, III & IV-Semesters in the forthcoming examinations to be held in the month of May/June, 2020 are allowed to write their backlog papers in the  Existing CBCS Present Syllabus only . Therefore, it is requested to inform all the backlog candidates of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 accordingly. In case of any problem regarding the papers please contact immediately to the concerned Chairman, B.o.S. OU Circular to all the principles of PG Colleges regarding Backlog Syllabus for the Acdemic Year 2014-2015 & 2015-2016

SSC PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS JULY - 2020 Model question papers,Subject wise marking & Timetable



GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-2020. 1. To reduce the duration of examination from 3 hours to 2 hours and accordingly to modify the question paper pattern, yet covering the entire syllabus. To compensate for the reduction in the duration of examination, more choice may be given while setting the question paper. The changes in the pattern of question paper may be left to the choice of concerned universities. 2. To conduct the examinations only for the final semester students of all UG and PG programmes, including backlogs. Examinations for the students of intermediate semesters may be conducted after reopening of colleges or in November/December along with odd semesters main examinations. 3. The students of intermediate semesters may be promoted to next higher semester irrespective of number of backlogs. 4. In case of conventional UG programmes, to conduct examinations daily in two sessions, i.e. B.Com in one session and B.A and B.Sc. in an...

JNTUK Notice for extension of last date for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge Revaluation For M.Tech / B.Pharmacy / MBA Courses.

JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada)  All the Principals of affiliated colleges are hereby informed that in view of COVID-19 Pandemic and as the colleges were closed until 31st May 2020, the last date to apply for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge Revaluation of M.Tech (EOHS) III Sem. Reg./Supple., Dec. 2019, I B.Pharm. II Sem. Reg./Supple., Nov. 2019, MBA III Sem. Reg./Supple., Nov. 2019 is extended up to  08.06.2020.  The students may be informed accordingly.

JNTUH Clarification regarding uploading of online classes attendance.

JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad)  All the Principles are informed to note that the upload of attendance of online classes is only for the statistics purpose, not for the calculation of attendance based detentions. In the detention list finalization, it is assumed as all students were present for all the online classes.

AP & TS Common entrance tests last date for submission of online applications without late fee

ANDHRA PRADESH  Last date for submission of online applications  without late fee is 15-06-2020 All Common Entrance Test of AP has been  postponed and revised schedule for  conduct of Tests will be announced  later in due course TELANGANA   The last date for payment of Fee and submission of online Application for ALL the CETS 2020 without late fee is  extended upto 10-06-2020.

UGC Letter regarding Payment of Fees.

The UGC on 29th April, 2020 issued the Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendar in view of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The universities have been advised to plan their activities keeping in view the safety and interest of our stakeholders, giving highest priority to the health of all concerned. To address the grievances/concerns of the students arising out of the COVID-19 Pandemic situation, the UGC has set up a helpline and has also created an email. Further, on the existing Online Students Grievance Portal of UGC, a new Tab of COVID-19 related grievances has been created and the students can also lodge their specific grievance(s)/concem(s) arising out of COVID-19 pandemic on the portal. All these are being monitored by a Task Force of UGC which considers the concerns/grievances and addresses them appropriately. We have received grievances from the students and parents stating that universities and colleges are insisting upon immediate payment of annual/semester tuition fee, e...

JNTUK Status of Applications for 0.15% Adjustment of Marks Dated on 23rd May 2020.

JNTU-Kakinada   All the Principals of affiliated colleges are hereby informed that the revised marks memos of the following students are ready after the adjustment of 0.15% grace marks. You are informed to make necessary arrangement for the collection of the revised marks memos from the office of Controller of Examinations at the earliest. JNTUK Status of Applications for 0.15% Adjustment of Marks Dated on 23rd May 2020

Andhra University B.Tech / B.Tech+M.Tech Integrated Dual Degree/Marine Engineering 4/4 - II Semester Examinations Results - April 2020.

Andhra University B.Tech / B.Tech M.Tech Integrated Dual Degree/Marine Engineering 4/4 - II Semester Examinations Results - April 2020 Note : Results announced on  24-05-2020.

JNTUK Last date extended for Special Supplementary Examinations and MBA IV Semester Project Viva-Voce - 2020.

JNTUK (JNTU-Kakinada)  All the Principals of affiliated colleges under JNTUK are hereby informed that in view of COVID pandemic and extension of lockdown till  31-05-2020 , the last date to apply for Special Supplementary Examinations, 2020 is extended as mentioned below:   Exam Registration Last date (Revised) Without late fee 08-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs.500/- 10-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs.1000/- 12-06-2020 The last dates to apply for MBA IV Semester Project Viva-Voce is also extended up to  08-06-2020  without any late fee and up to  10-06-2020  with a late fee of Rs. 100. The students may be informed accordingly. The dates for the payment of examination fee through online link and submission of payment forms and student filled in applications by the colleges will be intimated later through examination portal.

JNTUA M.Pharmacy I semester (R17) Regular & Supplementary Examinations Results - January/February 2020.

JNTUA M.Pharmacy I semester (R17) Regular & Supplementary Examinations Results - January/February JNTUA M.Pharmacy II semester (R17) Supplementary Examinations Results - January/February 2020 JNTUA M.Pharmacy I semester (R09) Supplementary Examinations Results - January/February 2020 JNTUA M.Pharmacy II semester (R09) Supplementary Examinations Results - January/February 2020 Note :  Last Date to Apply for RC, CV & PCA :  Not Yet Issued

Telangana State Common Entrance Test Dates.

Telangana State Common Entrance Test Dates

JNTUH MBA / MCA 4th Semester Regular/Supple Examinations Time Table - June 2020.

JNTUH MBA 4th Semester Regular/Supple Examinations Time Table - June 2020 JNTUH MCA 4th Semester Regular/Supple Examinations Time Table - June 2020 Note : TIME :  10:00 AM TO 12:00 Noon Examinations to commence from  20th June 2020 ANY OMISSIONS OR CLASHES IN THIS TIME TABLE MAY PLEASE BE INFORMED TO THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS IMMEDIATELY. EVEN IF GOVERNMENT DECLARES HOLIDAY ON ANY OF THE ABOVE DATES.THE EXAMINATIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS USUAL.

JNTUH Revised Fee Payment dates for MBA & MCA June/July 2020 exams.

JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad)  In the reference (2) citied, the Director Academic and planning issued revised Academic calendars for MBA/MCA II Year II Semester for the academic year 2019-20. However due to the Lockdown declared by govt of Telangana (due to Covid-19 pandemic), all these schedules of the University examinations registrations and other events have been rescheduled. Accordingly the revised dates for various scheduled activities of MBA/MCA II Year II Sem Regular and Supply, II-I Supply and MCA III-I Supply Examinations are as shown in Table-1 and Table-2 hereunder. MBA/MCA II Year II Sem Regular and Supplementary Exams :  Commencement of Examinations :  20-06-2020 Online Exam Registration & Last Dates : Without Late Fee : 06-03-2020 to 31-05-2020 With Late Fee of Rs.100/- : 01-06-2020 to 04-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs.1000/- : 05-06-2020 to 06-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs.2000/- : 07-06-2020 to...

JNTUH Revised Fee Payment dates for B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 1, 2,3,4 years I, II Semesters June/July 2020 exams.

JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad)   Vide ref 1 and ref 2 cited above the examination notification for different courses have been issued. However due to the Lockdown declared by govt of Telangana (due to Covid-19 pandemic), all these schedules of the University examinations registrations and other events have been rescheduled. Accordingly the revised dates for various scheduled activities of B.Tech/B.Pharm II, III, IV Years II Semester Regular and Supplementary & I Semester Supplementary Examinations and B.Tech I-I, I-II and I year Reg/Supply & I-I, I year Supply Examinations are as shown in Table-1 and Table-2 hereunder. Further various B.Tech/B.Pharm exams related stationary collection dates are given in the ANNEXURE-I, II, III. Note : Commencement of B.Tech /B.Pharm I, II, III Years II Sem Regular/Supplementary Examinations : 16-07-2020 Commencement of B.Tech /B.Pharm I, II, III, IV Years I Sem and I Year Supplementary Examinations : 03-08-2020 B.Tech /B.Ph...

JNTUH Pharm.D / Pharm.D (PB) I Year Regular Examinations Notification - August 2020.

PHARM.D & PHARM.D (PB) I YEARS REGULAR EXAMINATIONS NOTIFICATION - APRIL 2020 ​ CANDIDATES APPEARING FOR THE ABOVE EXAMINATIONS COMMENCING FROM  03-08-2020  ARE INFORMED THAT THE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AS PER THE TIME SCHEDULE GIVEN BELOW: Exam Registration & Last Dates : Without Late Fee :  23-05-2020  To  06-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs. 100/- :  07-06-2020  To  11-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs. 1000/- :  12-06-2020  To  15-06-2020 With Late Fee of Rs. 2000/- :  16-06-2020  To  21-07-2020 With Late Fee of Rs. 5000/- :  22-07-2020  To  01-08-2020 With Late Fee of Rs. 10,000/- :  02-08-2020  To  Till end of exams Examination Fee : FOR WHOLE EXAMINATIONS :  Rs. 1000/- EACH PAIR OF THEORY / PRACTICAL SUBJECT :  Rs.500/- MEMORANDUM OF MARKS AND HALL TICKET CHARGES :  Rs. 15/- Note :  Download of Hall tickets will be from  27-07-2...